Acrylics R Us

Full information about Establishment Acrylics R Us at Unit 4/The Enterprise Centre/Dawsons La, Leicester, Barwell, England LE9 8BE. Find the address of the company, the phone for communication, opening hours, feedback from customers and employees, as well as other information.


Unit 4/The Enterprise Centre/Dawsons La, Leicester, Barwell, England LE9 8BE
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Phone number:
+44 1455 845848


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Acrylics R Us

Reviews about Acrylics R Us

  • Lauren Clark
    ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ ☆
    Customer satisfaction is non existent with this company.

    A 4 hour round trip to collect a piece of Acrylic after countless phone calls to ensure the piece was delivered in time for the opening of my bar all went on total deaf ears. The day I was promised the acrylic would arrive by about 2pm there was no sign so I called them to get an update only to be told they hadn't posted it and nobody had bothered to tell me. Out of sheer frustration and desperation to have the acrylic that day I drove to their warehouse and the large piece of acrylic had been left in the porch for me because everyone had gone home!

    I am still waiting for an apology and also a refund for the delivery cost. Horrendous company.
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